This page is part of the Christ's College current applicants section, and was part of the Stage 2 information. It is still available post-interviews, however, as some students need to upload exam results or have been asked for other specific documents.
For documents received after 22 October, the instructions below remain the same, and we will continue to ask for and process additional documents as appropriate.
Please note, however, that your file may be read at various different stages. In every case, we can only consider the information that is part of your application file at the time it is read so do send your document as soon as possible if after 22 October.
How to upload additional documents

Please follow these steps to send your additional document(s) to us.
STEP 1: If your additional document is more than one page long, please make it into ONE pdf file. The file should not be larger than 3MB. If you need help with scanning, we recommend that you ask a friend or relative who has a scanner, ask the institution that you're attending or use the CamScanner app which enables you to use a smartphone as a scanner.
STEP 2: Please save your pdf file with the file name in this specific format:
- 3 - Subject (including biological or physical if Natural Sciences) - FAMILY NAME First name - Additional document - UCAS Personal ID (with no dashes)
Here's a fictional example: for the fictional Saoirse DOYLE applying for Philosophy with UCAS Personal ID 1582466392, the file name would be
- 3 - Philosophy - DOYLE Saoirse - Additional document - 1582466392
Note that there is a space before and after each hyphen, and there is a number at the beginning.
STEP 3: Please open the pdf on your computer. Scroll all the way through, checking that the document is all there and legible and that all pages are in order and the right way up.
STEP 4: Please use the additional documents upload tool to send your pdf.
Thank you for your help in sending your additional document following our instructions - it helps us to process everything as efficiently and accurately as possible.
Please do not email us to let us know that you have submitted your document unless we have specifically asked you to - there is no need and we don't want to receive the additional emails. If you see the screen confirming receipt after pressing submit form, you know that we have your document safely.
Current applicants page / Subject information