Shelfie of bound copies of Christ's College Magazine


Specific collections
  • R. Auty and E.P. Tyrell, ‘A.H. Wratislaw’s Slavonic Books in the Library of Christ’s College Cambridge’, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society vol. 5/1 (1969), 36-46
  • W.H. Bond, Thomas Hollis of Lincoln’s Inn: a Whig and his Books (1990)
  • S.W. Grose, ‘Early Editions of Milton’s Works in Christ’s College Library’, Christ’s College Magazine 96 (1922), 102-10
  • S.W. Grose, ‘A Gift to the College Library’, Christ’s College Magazine 149 (1940), 83-84 [on the collection of western printed books given by W.H.D. Rouse]
  • G.T. Martin, ‘Lady Margaret’s Benefactions to the College’, Christ’s College Magazine 230 (2005), 31-46
  • N. McLean, ‘Books given to the Library of Christ’s College Cambridge by the Lady Margaret’, The Library n.s. 8 (1907), 218-23