Friday 24 November 2023

We've made it to Friday! Well done everyone! It's been a busy Stage 4 week with the first College Assessments, but at least selection for interviews is done and everyone who is going to be invited now knows. If you're waiting for the invitation to interview with times, dates and joining details etc, those will follow as soon as we can manage it. Meanwhile we already have our interview attendance replies from lots of subjects (thank you!), and it was brilliant to see those of you who came to the first interview set-up support webinar just now - get practicing on all those Whereby & Zoom tips Ellie shared. It's beginning to really feel like interviews are nearly here!

But enough of that - it's Friday and that is time for the cats to see us calmly into the weekend. After a couple of weeks covering the escapades of Finch, we thought it was high time for Baines to be our Friday cat this week.

Baines is certainly the shyer College cat, and whereas Finch will often come to say hi when you see her, it's not always easy to approach Baines when he's out and about as he tends to run away (befriending Baines is a challenge many Christ's students aspire to!). He is a great watcher of College life, though - you need to look very carefully, but you'll see his little eyes peeping out from the shrubs as he watches all the comings and goings in Second and Third Court. Baines gets less attention than Finch, but he's much loved, and important for us as a College, as we have plenty of shy students as well as a shy cat! One of the things people often don't realise about Cambridge is that you don't have to be super confident - it's also fine to be quiet and shy if that's you, and you'll find your place too. So while some people will be more Finch (no climbing the buildings though please), others will be more Baines. 

Oh, and interviews? We're not assessing your personality. Be yourself.

Have a lovely weekend!


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