As part of a visiting student application, document 2 is the evidence of your English Language competence. This should be saved as a pdf with file name:

SURNAME/FAMILY NAME First name - English Language Evidence - Course name

Example: RAMIREZ Max - English Language Evidence - Archaeology
Note that there is a space before and after each hypen

One you have all of your application documents, you send them to your referee, who submits them as part of your application. See the Visiting Student applications page for details.

What should the English Evidence document contain?

Student English Language Evidence
Native speaker
of English
Your English Language Evidence can be a note written by you confirming that you are a native speaker of English. Please save it as a pdf with the file name above and include it with the documents you pass on to your referee.

Applying from outside the European Union

If you attended school outside the European Union and are not a native speaker of English, your English Language Evidence should be a Test Report Form or Certificate showing that you have completed one of the qualifications listed on the University of Cambridge website at an appropriate standard.
Applying from
inside the European
If you are not a native speaker of English, your English Language Evidence should be a short confirmation of what level you studied English to at school, and/or at university, and what qualification it was part of. This is all we need at application stage if you attended a school in the European Union (no need to book for additional tests at this stage), however if you happen to have also completed one of the qualifications listed on the University of Cambridge website please also include the certificate or Test Report Form.

Note that some EU students who are made an offer of Visiting Student status may also be asked to complete one of one of the qualifications listed on the University of Cambridge website, depending on their prior studies at school and at University, or to undertake the online English assessment conducted by the University Language Centre.


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