The University’s official statistics for Tripos results, broken down by College, are now available on its public website. You can see the results at (click on “UG examination results by college”). The old Baxter Tables and Tompkins Tables no longer exist.

Many congratulations to our students.  Christ’s has topped the table both for highest percentage of first-class results and for highest percentage of Good Honours (=1sts+II.1s). We had an extraordinary 45.7% firsts and 88.1% Good Honours.

For comparison, the University averages were 29.9% firsts and 81.2% Good Honours.

Needless to say, this is the result of a lot of hard work by many people, and a real team effort. From the Director of Admissions, the whole Admissions team and our interviewers at the very beginning of the process, to Directors of Studies and supervisors providing wonderful teaching, Tutors providing outstanding pastoral care, and staff providing magnificent support – not to forget, of course, the very hard work put in by our students themselves  – we can proudly say that Christ’s provides a world-beating educational experience.

Dr Robert Hunt, Senior Tutor