The annual Cambridge Literary Festival is taking place between Thursday 17 November and Sunday 20 November.

Among the many events look out for the Master, Lord McDonald, who is in conversation with barrister Sam Fowles on Sunday 20 November at 2pm in the Palmerston Room.  'Democracy in Crisis' will be a discussion about why the leadership of the UK is at an all time low and to contemplate potential solutions.

There are several other Christ's connections taking part in the Literary Festival.

Friday 19 November (7:30pm) - Honorary Fellow Sir Charles Saumarez Smith will be in conversation with acclaimed artist and writer Edmund de Waal, and artist Norman McBeath as they present their book, Perdendosi.

Saturday 19 November (10:00am) - Simon Gaskill will be in conversation with Christ's Fellow Dr Harriet Lyon.  They will be discussing his latest book 'The Ruin of All Witches'.

Saturday 19 November (2:00pm) - Christ's Fellow Professor David Reynolds will be joining Julia Boyd to discuss her latest book, 'A Village in the Third Reich'.

Sunday 20 November (12:00pm) - former Wallis Budge Fellow in Egyptology and Development Director, Professor Toby Wilkinson, now at Clare College, will be in conversation with the New Statesman's Michael Prodger.  They will be discussing the Story of Ancient Egypt in 100 Objects.

Sunday 20 November (1:00pm) - Honorary Fellow, Former Master of Magdalene College and former Archibishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, will be in conversation with Celia Paul about her latest book, Letters to Gwen John.