Chapel Life
The chapel or chaplaincy is much more than simply what goes on in college chapel – although the chapel is the focus for the many events or activities in the college community: music, arts as well as prayer, liturgy and worship.
The chapel is inclusive: that means that everyone is welcome. Every member of Christ’s is a member of the community and therefore has access to the chapel as a space to pray, or to rest or to reflect. The chapel and side chapel are open each day from 8am to after 10pm.
There is a regular and thriving chapel life – all leading up to and from the weekly Sunday services. There are social activities, faith discussion groups and an active musical circuit on many weekdays. There is always free refreshment after the principle chapel services, whether it be coffee and croissants, port, sherry, fruit juice, Prosecco or hot chocolate and a chance to meet and greet friends and newcomers.
The chaplain works closely with chapel officers who are students. The chapel clerks, senior sacristans, and ushers all play a key role in making sure the chapel is a place of welcome and openness. Each term, the Sunday collections are donated to local, national and international charities which are decided at the termly chaplain’s advisory group meetings.
What if I have never been to a church or chapel before?
That's fine. There are no conditions or expectations on coming to College chapel. You will be made very welcome.
Can I get more involved?
Yes of course! Whether you are in Christ’s as a student, member of staff or fellow, or planning on coming to Christ’s, then you will have every chance of playing an active role in chapel, if you wish to. Many people simply come to worship or listen to the music and there will be no pressure on you to take ‘a job’. But, if you are willing to read, lead intercessions, serve at the Eucharist, act as an acolyte or administer the chalice or would like to be a chapel sacristan or usher, then all you have to do is talk to or contact the Chaplain!
If I am a third year and have never been to chapel before, can I still come along sometime?
Yes! The chapel is open and inclusive and a place of enquiry. If you have never been to chapel before but would like to come then all you have to do is walk through the door and a warm welcome awaits you! Even if you have been in Christ’s for 3 years and have never been inside the chapel.
Can I come on my own?
Yes. In fact many people come to chapel on their own to take time out, to gather strength, to find space, to pray and worship or simply to 'get away from it all'. Although it might be difficult to think of going somewhere on your own, without friends, a chapel service is different. It is not like going to the pub or the cinema: when in chapel, everyone is together and no-one will feel conspicuous. If you want to bring someone with you, all the better!
Is there a dress code?
No. Come as you are. God knows what you look like when you get up in the morning, so he can't be shocked.
Some people like to wear gowns becuase of tradition (it used to be compulsory), and some wear gowns because they are going to formal hall after the service, but there is absolutely no need to wear a gown in chapel. Services are not academic occasions, and therefore academic dress is not required.
top and bottom photographs taken by Samuel Palin